Product Review Clipboard Health

Product vision review, product metrics, context, and 3 improvements for future product growth. Subjective and time-bound review, you can ask to review your mobile app in the comments.

Aurora Lights
6 min readNov 2, 2020

I wanted to start doing a product review series: totally subjective product reviews, where I would try to understand the product vision and provide some improvements for future product growth. This is a good exercise for any product manager. I wanted to keep it as down-to-earth as possible, so all of these reviews will be something you can do within 45–3h. Let’s push it more to real life 😁 where you have limited time and resources. Feel free to add a product you would like me to review in comments😍

The Product

Clipboard Health web, and mobile apps platform.

  • Clipboard health is a platform that simplifies medical facility staffing. It provides faster hiring via proprietary matching algorithms, which replace the need for a hospital to do the process manually.
  • Clipboard health is simple, transparent, and easy staffing tool for medical facilities.
  • Clipboard health provides flexible working hours and work-life balance for medical professionals.

Success metrics

Success metric for the product: closed shifts (amount of hours) on the platform per month.

There are numerous basic metrics and more interesting metrics that can give you insights into end-user behavior. Obvious metrics would be DAU/WAU/MAU, time spent in the app, time spent vs action is done (i.e. shifts closed), newly registered users on the platform, shifts canceled, etc. I would like to focus on only one — closed shifts. This will show us how many hours of medical staff is booked through our platform, uncovering the potential growth areas (i.e. specific locations where we see the hours are always booked, etc.). This metric will show us whether the platform works towards the vision:

  • The platform must deliver seamless value and UX to find the next best job. The more hours were successfully closed indicates it is simple for users to book an appointment (shift).
  • The more shift users closed indicates that there are more medical facilities that ask for medical hours. This metric also shows health b2b relationships.
  • Provides additional insights: where the shifts were booked, by what type of profession. These types of ideas allow us to focus on platform growth in the market direction.

Competitors and product context

Quick competitor review: we can see a few competitors such as Incredible Health, Curafides, NomadHealth. A lot of competitors focusing their product on nurses' specialties. This fact is not random. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Employment Projections 2016-2026, projects the need for an additional 203,700 new RNs each year through 2026 to fill newly created positions and to replace retiring nurses. Currently, there is no indication that there is such an amount of nurses. This will create a shortage of resources and competition among hospitals to get the best staff. The deficit will allow nurses to get the best offers and fight for their natural right to decent work conditions, and work-life balance.

The hypothesis to test — target specific audience

Let’s test a hypothesis that the most significant number of registered users are nurses.

Adjust value proposition for specific end-users (nurses): adjust messaging, and target relevant blogs to make the noise. Create a content plan for SMM to support the messaging. Adjust messaging around the DailyPay feature: analyze how it works now, run a focus group with users who use the feature/don’t use/new users on the platform. There might be a proper monetization around it, but it needs a slim UX and trust build with end-user. Currently, with poor UX, it underperforms.

Adjust value proposition for B2B: I believe if we bring end-users to the platform, it will be easier to get B2B to sign up. Like with any talent marketplace, you will need to have sufficient talents to be presentable on the market. So we need to fix the UX and VP for end-users to provide value, monetize the platform with B2B. For this we need:

Review tech infrastructure of mobile apps: login and performance issues indicate that the tech stack and infrastructure don’t work in the most optimum way to support existing users.

➔ Provide easy onboarding via mobile app & create a referral program to support growth

➔ Provide valuable features through mobile: rethink mobile UX, create a dashboard with critical key metrics for end-users, improve UX of booking the shift, and create a feedback feature.


Example of onboarding flow

Easy Onboarding to increase the number of registration on the platform.

Simple onboarding with a nice illustration will improve UX while registering with the app. Successful onboarding can boost up your sign-ups and allows you to track drop-offs during 1st time the user interacts with the app. Good stats to know, in 2019 25% of downloaded apps were used only once, and we would definitely like to avoid being on their list.

Introduce a simple referral program — let your users grow your network. Established them along with rewards programs as the best way to grow your audience. A simple referral to register & download the app.

— Uber referral program — Airbnb
— TaskRabbit
— Amazon

Create Personalized Dashboard

Example of personalized dashboard

Provide a personalized way to manage the shifts and earnings with Clipboard health. Dashboard builds with widgets, which allows gradually add improvements (easier on development/ design effort + better validation).

Personalized stats: name, how do you perform across others on the platform. Your earnings, shifts booked, profile views by medical facilities.

Quick actions: possibility to book more shifts, review earnings, refer a friend;

Closest events: your next shifts time, address;

Menu: provides access to the history of your shifts, shifts bookings, your reviews;

Trade-offs and the next step

  1. Fixing technical issues should go on top of the list because the poor experience will lead to slower growth. Med segment is hard enough, so reputation must be ideal for us to be a reliable digital tool. Technical issues list must be built from support complaints, store complaints, and technical team technical debt. Then all that prioritized based on the impacted users vs effort required fixes (we should fix only the functionality which won’t be updated in the short term). This is a medium effort with a medium to large impact on users (assuming we are fixing password validation or login problems).
  2. I would say that retargeting the app on nurses only would need to be a decision supported across all teams. It should be based on current partners and research that we can run with our existing data. This is user research and data research/mob & web analytics tasks. Medium effort and medium to large impact on users, medium impact on business.
  3. Onboarding is a number one thing that I would add with whether we retarget the app to nurses or no. It will help any users to convert and will provide insights to drop off rates during registration. This is a medium effort with a medium to large impact on end-users and business (provides insights).
  4. Dashboard and personalization — a project which can be conducted after #2 is done to make sure we are providing the right information for the jobs users doing with the app. This is a high effort task with a medium to large impact on end-users and business (depends on how well we did our research to provide the best UX and tools for the end-users).

I would go with #1, #2. Results from #2 can give us the best understanding of the existing problems and drop-offs in the app. After that, we can go with onboarding if we are prioritizing the new users and their experience and going further in the dashboard project as we make the app grow.

P.S. All of the thoughts here are very subjective :) Feel free to comment and provide the next mobile app you want me to review!



Aurora Lights

When you aim for perfection you discover it’ s a moving target. I’m chasing it. #digitalnomad